Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Last week, I was hoping to hit Spindletop by Friday, but it didn't happen.  I had a project due for another class and it ended up taking more of my time than I thought, so Spindletop will have to wait until later this week.  I'm planning for Thursday, but you never know!

I'm presently in Bryan, having come up for my niece's birthday.  I wanted to go to the Carnegie History Center with my mom today, but it's closed on Monday's.  So, we're going to go tomorrow.  The Carnegie History Center was originally the Carnegie Library, Bryan's first public library that was opened in 1903.  My mother remembers visiting the library as a child.  The library has been through renovations, along with the rest of downtown Bryan, and is now used more specifically to share the history of the Brazos Valley.  The library houses several local history collections, including many specialized genealogy references.  I am very curious to see how the inside of the building has been restored.  Any information I happen to stumble upon having to do with my family will be a definitely be a bonus!

After we visit the Carnegie History Center, I want to take my mom to the Bryan Public Library, which I have now learned is called the Clara B. Mounce Public Library.  This library is located directly behind the Carnegie History Center.  This is the library I grew up with.  I remember it having a huge bell out front that my niece and nephew loved to "dong" on every visit.  I wonder if it's still there...guess I'll find out tomorrow!  I want to take my mom to this library so that I can show her how to use an web-based catalog.  She called me last week, saying that she had taken one of my nephews to the library and they were having trouble locating a Skippyjon Jones book because they didn't know the author.  She couldn't find a card catalog anywhere and wasn't sure how to look it up on the computer.  I tried to explain how to use the catalog over the phone, and explained that she could access the catalog at home.  But, I think it may just be easier to help her in person.  Hopefully, my nephew will come along so I can show him too.  Brawley is 8 years old, and just started to enjoy reading for pleasure this year.  I don't want anything to cause him frustration when looking for something to read! 

If time permits, I need to swing by one of A&M's many libraries.  I'm guessing that the Sterling C. Evans Library is the main one, so I'm hoping to find it.  I don't know my way around campus, so I'll most likely need to look it up on a map before over to College Station.  While on campus, I need to locate the Harrington building because I'll be taking a test there next Saturday.  Like I said, busy, busy, busy!!!

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